CPA affiliate network marketing is absolutely on fire because a lot of online marketers are doing extremely well with it. The rest of this article details proven tips you can implement to better your chances of getting your application approved by CPA networks.
You should always wait a day.
You should always wait a day before you call them because they should be calling you within a day. This simple step can save you tons of headaches when getting approved. The affiliate manager will typically email you letting you know that your application was received. You’ll find the affiliate manager’s phone number and other contact details in the email. Take note of that number and use it to call the manager the next day upon receiving that email. This technique can help get you approved quicker in two different ways. The first thing this does is it tells the affiliate manager that you are willing to stretch your neck out to get accepted no matter what. The other reason calling them works to get you approved faster is because you are causing them to make a decision sooner, as you’d otherwise have to wait for them to get around to it. Not only that, but there are many reasons why you’ll want to reveal everything about yourself to the CPA affiliate network. Your goal is come across as someone they want to do business with. When you call the affiliate manager, you will have him pick up your application right there and then, and that makes any questions he asks easy to answer. Above all, your goal is to develop a long lasting business relationship.
Here’s a trick to use when you don’t have a website to submit in your application:
Tell them you’re an email marketer who has access to email lists of targeted prospects that you can advertise to. It’s ok to say this, as you can always pair up with a person who already has a targeted list. However, if you are going to let the manager know that you email market, make sure you’re knowledgeable about the subject so that you can answer any questions that will inevitably be asked. So if you’re going to go through with this, make sure you study up on email marketing and know all there is to know about it. If you already know about email marketing, however, this tip can go a long way towards getting you approved if you don’t have a website to your name. This sounds much simpler than it actually is, but you’ll soon see how much it pays off.
As a sidenote, you might want to have some kind of chat messenger such as AIM or others in the unlikely event they want to contact you. Just play that one by ear as it’s never a make or break thing with them. You can always create a screen name that sounds a bit more like business. For example if you’re an individual have it as HarrySmith or as a company you can have it as “BlueBeamHarry”.
If you use the above tips the next time you apply to a CPA affiliate network, you’re guaranteed to get approved.
If you want to take this to the next level, download my Free Ebook – How to start a profitable CPA campaign from scratch and make money within 7 days.
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Your Goodbuddy,
Richard La Compte’s Blog
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