It’s a good concept to have an attractive website when you start out using free network marketing methods, but the important part of the matter is, your site needs to be found, and this is where search engine optimization is important. Every business that sells online needs to work with a good seo agency.
Before starting you could have chosen a number of keywords relating to the products that you are going to be promoting, so when a person searches for “pink fuzzy slippers” your internet site will ideally be on the front page of the search results.
So how can you get your network marketing website in a premier position on page one?
There are a number of things you can use to do that, and it involves the use of free network marketing advertising locales, active promotion and working on your website to make it search website friendly:
* Social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
* Collusion in forums relevant to your products
* Article writing – providing folk with information relevant to what you are promoting
Using Social Media as a Free Marketing Platform
YouTube gets billions of hits a week, Facebook has virtually 800,000,000 active players, right there is a goldmine, if you use these media in the correct way. Social media sites could make or break a business, thousands have failed simply because they don’t understand how to go about social media marketing in the correct way. Of course, you might always pay for advertising on Facebook, but it’s only effective if you are already a recognized business, and most small companies blow their advertising budgets in a couple of days with few results.
An alternative way to expose your business is on Twitter, but there’s already a large amount of noise on there from unpracticed users, don’t be one of them and get ignored because you are branded as a bother. Again you have to find out how to use this medium correctly .
YouTube is one of the best places to make thousands of greenbacks marketing your business. If you’re camera shy just get over it, and don’t say you can’t afford the equipment, it’s cheap nowadays. Put some of your promotion budget into purchasing a WebCam, a good mike and some software, instead of waste money on PPC advertising at this time – your investment in video will pay much better returns.
YouTube has the benefit of getting your face out to thousands of people self branding you and your product.
Often folks visit YouTube because they need fast entertainment, though many do desire information. How do I operate my new XYZ? A two-minute video will show them precisely what to do, and they’ll thank you for that particularly if it’s a little tough to put into words. They will remember you, and they will remember that you helped them out, so straight away you have started to brand yourself and your business.
Join forums connected with what you are promoting and see what folk are on the lookout for, they’re a great place for gathering ideas for videos you can put on YouTube.
The Last word in Free Network Marketing Promotion
Article writing does need some time and many do not like writing, but when you submit your articles to article directory websites like EzineArticles, you gain a back link and also readers who will click thru to your website. Many people find great success using this method.
Employ a compilation of all of these methods, and your traffic will grow and you will get those necessary qualified leads for your business.
If these methods aren’t working for you, you really need to get some assistance with your business. Stop floundering around, it’s time to put your business on the inside track don’t you think? Here is the sole free network marketing system that we recommend -> Lead Lightning.
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Your Goodbuddy,

Richard La Compte’s Blog
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